Monday, January 12, 2015

never say never

Guess what I made?

Yes, my neighbor and friend has been asking me for awhile now to make a t-shirt quilt out of her daughter's college collection.  I really hemmed and hawed on this one.  Partly because I think them a bit blah, and partly because I was concerned about the stress factor.  What if I messed up and wrecked a favorite shirt?  I like running and sewing...and be fun!

Eventually I started surfing through Pinterest, and actually, people are being quite creative with these.  Also, there is the fact that I adore her daughter.  So in November I agreed to have a go at it.

And it was fun!!!  Sorting and arranging all these shirts and colors.  Along with the t-shirts I added a few classic quilt blocks:
  • The Red Cross block because she is a nurse.
  • The snowballs because we're talking Marquette, Michigan on the shore of Lake Superior, in the heart of the Upper Peninsula!
  • And flying geese, because they're my favorite!  Plus, the honking of migrating geese is a welcome sign of the changing seasons in a place that loves when the seasons change!
It's backed in this classic Ikea print.  I used invisible thread for the quilting because there are so many deep colors in this top.  It worked very well.  

I only outlined the AGD because those shirts were so thick.  I love how it shows on the back.
I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, and more importantly, so is she!


  1. Beautiful job! I love how you added the traditional blocks. This one is definitely not blah!

    1. Thanks for your comments, Patty. And thanks so much for stopping by.
