I haven’t been blogging much this summer but I’ve been sewing. I’ve joined in a few different online quiltalongs and while I don’t have any finished quilts to share I have lots of completed blocks!
Today I’m sharing blocks for the Summer Sampler 2016 series that is being hosted by Faith, Katie, and Lee. You can read all about it here. There’s still time to sign up if you like.
I’m using a bundle of Pacific by Elizabeth Hartman that I won at Sewtopia-Atlanta. I’m copying Amy Smart and using a Peppered Cotton as a background after seeing her Missouri Star quilt. I love how the true taupe sets off the warm colors of the Pacific fabric.
I’ve second guessed a few of my fabric choices within each block but have decided to not remake any of them until I’ve completed all 20 blocks.
I’ve been trying to photograph each block on a different plant. It was easy earlier on when everything was young and close to the ground. It’s been more challenging as the summer has progressed and things are growing out of balance - as plants do.
I’ve been keeping up with the weekly schedule and posting my blocks on Instagram tagging them #fallcolorsforafallfinishIf you go to the link you can see a better quality photo and the name and designer of each block. Each week I have a new favorite!
15 down, 5 to go!
I'll be linking up with Let's Bee Social because that's what online quiltalongs are all about!
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I just lost a dear aunt. A kindred soul, really. We were not related by blood - she married my mother’s brother. She was one of very few people I’ve known that I always try to emulate. She was a crafter so I thought to honor her I would share a few of the things she made that decorate our home.
A rather modern pineapple by 1985 standards! She must have known it would work as my decor changed over the years. I still love it!
This was made to welcome my daughter. Her room, like everyone’s, evolved as she did. As the paint colors and themes changed over time this one item has always remained - at Halle’s request! Fun fact: At Halle's wedding my aunt and uncle won the "longest married couple" dance.
And this beauty was our wedding gift. Can you see that the borders are stitched in the ditch and then she tied each block? I remember her talking about having it spread on the floor of the living room while she got opinions from my uncle on how to arrange those log cabin blocks.
her Sally
More than anything she would want to be remembered as a friend to all animals. Cats were her favorite. She spent lots of hours over many years volunteering at her local animal shelter. How fitting that the morning of her last day I was visited by a stray cat. He meowed at my screen door in the morning till I got him a piece of cheese. He hung around most of the day. I haven’t seen him since. I think she was stopping by to say good-bye.
It’s been a very hot summer. I haven’t been sewing lots but I have been sewing and today I want to quickly share about a world-wide charity quilt project I’ve been participating in.
After the shooting at the Pulse night clubthe Orlando Modern Quilt Guild put out a call for heart blocks to use to make quilts for the families of the victims. You can read about the project here. Both guilds I belong to joined in the effort by volunteering to make complete quilts to send to Orlando.
I made a few blocks to donate to the Detroit Area MQG’s quilt.
And I volunteered to sew together blocks that others made for the Ann Arbor MQG.
I quilted and bound this one as well. I spent awhile trying to decide how to quilt these colorful hearts. Ultimately I chose a simple, free motion stipple. I love the the cozy texture of a stipple and hope the family who receives this quilt will, too.
the back
You can see more of the beautiful quilts being made for this project here on Instagram. Praying for peace to fill all our hearts and overflow into our world.