...or a cushion depending on where you are from. I turned my SewtopiaKansas Dugout blocks into my first pillow!
It took me a bit to decided how to quilt this. Ultimately I chose straight lines on all the color diagonals about a presser foot apart. I really didn't want to quilt in the white centers because, for me, leaving those unstitched was the whole point of the y-seams.
When I finished the quilting I had to decide how to finish the pillow. I got overwhelmed with the choices and spent waaaay too much time reading about them. Today Amanda Jean posted a finished pillow with an envelope back. I used her simple tutorial and now I have a finish to share, too!
The pictures are outside because it's a beautiful day and the lighting is better but this is definitely an indoor pillow! It will always remind me of my amazing weekend in Chicago, meeting Rita Hodge, and conquering y-seams! Thank you Rita!
I've delved into the world of swapping...with caution that I don't get too over committed. First up was the Rainbow Mini Swap held on Instagram. I made this mini:
My thought process: rainbows - Judy Garland - Wizard of Oz - tornadoes - swirling - circles. So the outside triangles are tumbling into a (nearly) perfect of circle of geese. Do you see it? I used my walking foot for the spiral quilting and wool batting for the loft.
Then I added a few extras for my partner, some of her likes and some of mine, packaged it up and mailed it away to Maine where it was gratefully received.
Here is what I received:
I LOVE IT!!! I was made by a Navy wife currently serving in Japan. Check out all the Japanese extras she sent along!!!
Thank you Chantel @sewradandrosie!
up was the voluntary swap at Sewtopia. I made this Bob Box.
In return I received these bags made by Michele @chele53!
Aren't they great? They were filled with Michigan wine and chocolates which may have already been consumed. Hey, it's been two weeks - and I shared!
Finally, I made this mini Hazel Hedgehog pincushion for the annual A2MQG swap.
Pattern by Elizabeth Hartman and available here. I made the block 1/4 the original size. It took me three tries to get that face right. Those eyes finish at about 1/8th of an inch. In return I received this from Anna @woollykat.
Look at all those tiny pieces. She included the ceramic berry box which I filled immediately, then started to empty. So, three swaps, three successes, three finishes to link up with Crazy Mom Quilts Finish it up Friday.