Yay! I finished on time! Actually, it was very well organized and there was plenty of time to complete the quilt if you stayed on schedule.
The first week we had to link up with a picture of our triangles all cut up. I chose a red/black/gray theme. I have been building my fabric stash for a year now and these were all in my cabinet. (The black is from Studio e - the company that hosted the challenge and picked me as a finalist. If you missed that post you can read it here.)
12 rows of 17= 204 triangles!
The second week we arranged our triangles and sewed them into rows. Look how much the rows shrunk!

She allowed us two weeks for finishing. I quilted this with an all-over meander. It turned out to be a challenge for my eyes to not follow the lines of the triangles or the fabric patterns.
All washed and crinkly - just the way I like it :)
I got lots of very nice feedback from others participating in the quilt along by posting my photos on Flickr and Instagram. It's been really fun sharing the process. There are definitely more quilt alongs in my future!